How to Improve Your Amazon Listings, So You Don’t Lose Money

June 14, 2024

This article will unlock the biggest secrets to Amazon listing optimization that can significantly impact ranking and profit.

It is the subtleties of your Amazon listings that determine whether your sales stagnate or increase. Overlooking the small stuff of a product listing has the potential to cause your ecommerce business to transition from good to great. Here's a quick look at some helpful strategies to incorporate so your Amazon listings don’t lose money.

Boost Your Struggling Amazon Listings

You have the agency necessary to catalyze your Amazon listings’ sales. If your listings are underperforming or stagnant, their strategic optimization has the potential to completely transform visit numbers and sales figures. Driving traffic to Amazon listings is that much easier when the listing contains specific keywords and key phrases shoppers are most likely to sleuth for. Choose the right keywords for your product descriptions and titles, be patient and you’ll find those pages gradually receive more traffic. The boost in online traffic hikes sales and also adds to the bottom line.

Amazon data helps clue you into the keywords and key phrases shoppers are most likely to use. Sellers have access to such data in the form of a sponsored products search term report. When in doubt, consider the automatically filled suggestions in the Amazon search bar. Type in the word of your product or similar products, commonly used industry terms, and other related words. Jot down Amazon’s search bar suggested words in response to those prompts, creating a keyword word bank to reference when creating and modifying listings.

1. Consider Paid Ads

If organic online traffic is not making its way over to your Amazon page as frequently as expected, don’t panic. You have the option of advertising on the web to steer web users toward your listings. Though paying for online ads costs money, there is the potential for the return on investment to be exponentially greater than the cost of advertising.

For example, sponsored display ads are digital advertisements presented to shoppers on Amazon and other apps and sites. However, some businesses do not meet the criteria to qualify for sponsored display. Businesses that meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to experiment with this advertising strategy as it uses rich media with strong visual appeal.

Sponsored ads are a surefire way to beat that organic traffic slump.

Sponsored Brands are another online advertising option. Such ads are used by sellers on the Amazon platform Brand Registry. Available on a cost-per-click basis, the ads present the company logo, products, and a headline. Sponsored Brands are a golden opportunity to heighten awareness of the brand, boost sales, and make a great impression.

Amazon offers the option of cost-per-click product sponsoring, meaning your business will not pay for the product until a web user clicks the ad. This approach enables businesses to create campaigns to promote product listings in the shopping search results pages and the pages that provide additional product details.

2. Mind the Product Listing Title Length

Something as subtle as the length of a product’s title has the potential to make or break sales. A title that exceeds the maximum character length will abruptly cut off and also not appear in search results.

Shoppers and people in general have short attention spans, primarily because of the conveniences created through technological progress. Resist the temptation to overload the product listing with keywords. Keep the keywords to one or a couple at most, choosing to focus on the actual product itself.

3. Offer the Occasional Discount

The most successful Amazon sellers are quick to testify that static prices do not drive sales. Leave some room for flexibility in your pricing, reduce the price when necessary, and offer the occasional discount. Amazon Coupons is a program that empowers sellers to offer a percentage or dollar amount off of products. Such discounts are shown with coupon badges after users sleuth for products. The coupon badges are also available through the Amazon coupons page.Amazon also offers Social Media Promo Codes. These codes make it easy for businesses to offer shoppers a specific percentage discount on specific products. The promotional codes take the form of URLs that can be shared between family, friends, and others on social media. Dangle a discount to entice new customers or use it as positive reinforcement to persuade customers to return to your products and you’ll find it drives sales.

4. Make a Product Video

A polished video that artfully displays products and/or shows how to use them makes a meaningful impact. Online visitors who see your page featuring a video will be more inclined to spend time watching that content and reading about the product instead of digressing to a competing page. Be sure to add captions so those who don’t have their audio on can still understand exactly what the video communicates.

5. Add Affiliate Links

Affiliate links from relevant blogs redirect traffic to your site instead of competing sites. Reach out to blog owners in the industry or niche to get a sense of whether they are willing to feature your products and link to your Amazon pages or website. You can also create your own blog, generating content in the niche to guide traffic to your product pages.When discussing products on the blog, incorporate affiliate links to the Amazon pages and it won’t take long for the increase in traffic to drive sales. Moreover, there is a commission when visitors to the blog use the affiliate link to buy the product from the Amazon listing.  Such a financial incentive might be enough for blog owners to consider linking to your product pages.

6. Check Out Your Competition

Surf the web over to the top sellers in a specific category. Take notes for future reference when analyzing those competing pages. You’ll likely pick up on a couple of strategic elements that you can put your own twist on.Be sure to scroll down to the customer reviews when scouting competitor pages. Customer reviews provide invaluable insight into what shapes customer buying decisions. Highlight product inefficiencies, customer expectations, and other details. Discuss those nuances with your marketing team and optimize your listings accordingly.

How Mayan Can Help Make Your Listings More Visible

If you’re interested in seeing what Mayan can do for your Amazon FBA business, sign up today. We’re excited to show you our platform and run an audit to show you the opportunities our platform can provide. Once we’re aligned on your goals, we can get started bringing your business to the next level. Ready to see how Mayan can help?
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