How Amazon FBA Sellers Can Use TikTok to Boost Sales

September 7, 2022

When it comes to marketing, it's all about thinking outside the box. Here's how TikTok can be used to boost your e-commerce business.

TikTok currently has over 84.9 million users in the U.S. only as of 2022, and the number is projected to increase to almost 90 million in 2023. In January, the app had approximately 29.7 active global users on the daily! And as a result, big brands, small brands, individuals, and businesses are (sometimes literally) jumping on TikTok to see who they can reach. It's one of the biggest marketing platforms out there right now.

You're probably wondering though, what the heck does TikTok have to do with my Amazon business? Or, maybe this isn't a surprise to you and your business is already riding the TikTok wave to get lots of clicks and sales for your Amazon store.

Either way, the unique platform that TikTok provides to its global users has become a game changer when it comes to online marketing. It's the sales funnel you might not have thought about, but it's worth looking into.

With a record-breaking amount of users around the world, there's definitely room for Amazon FBA sellers to leverage this opportunity to expand their business and get their brand name out there in the TikTok-osphere.

What is TikTok?

Can you believe that TikTok has only been around since 2018? For many, it's hard to imagine a world without this video-based app where we can share fun life hacks, post quirky versions of your favorite choreographies, and just share your opinion on the latest trends and topics of discussion.

TikTok was originally created by Zhang Yiming, a software engineer from China who founded ByteDance. He launched the app in China in late 2016 before it expanded globally. The company is currently being led by Shou Zi Chew, an entrepreneur from Singapore.

Fast forward to 2022, where the latest stats have revealed that TikTok currently has over 1 BILLION monthly active users. 

But, what does this all mean if you're an Amazon FBA business owner?

Basically, there's no denying it. TikTok is huge and one of the biggest ways to influence shoppers. And as an online entrepreneur, the question you need to be asking yourself is…How can a platform like TikTok be used in my business's marketing strategy? Turns out, there's a lot of ways to make the video-sharing platform work for your benefit. Curious yet?

How Can TikTok Be Used for a Good Marketing Strategy?

From the popular hashtags #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt to #AmazonFinds, #AmazonDeals, & #AmazonPrime (over 120 million views!), there are plenty of ways to increase your brand's visibility on TikTok and boost sales for your FBA business. 

While the purpose is similar to other social media platforms like IG and Facebook, these numbers show that TikTok has even more of an influence on our buying habits in 2022.

Want to take a little deep dive? Here's a list of the top trending hashtags for Amazon on TikTok at the moment. This blog post by TikTok displays some relevant data for brands, like the amount of posts that use that specific hashtag(s) as well as the amount of views that the hashtags get.

So however you want to organize your online business’s marketing budget, consider some space in there for a TikTok video.

How Amazon FBA sellers can use TikTok

Get back to basics and find your Amazon FBA business’s target demo using TikTok. Brands like yours can use this platform for; 

  • Brand building & awareness
  • Share/promote new products in their personal Amazon storefront
  • Marketing research: Businesses can also use TikTok for their marketing research, and find out things such as what are the best brands doing and what are the latest trends. It’s a great way to know what's hot and how to buy those products. 

The fun video platform of TikTok can be part of a solid marketing strategy for your business. The platform is just the conduit to drive your business and your products to the right people that will buy your products.

These TikTok Marketing Hacks Can Amplify Your Amazon Business

Now, let’s get to some specific ways you as an Amazon FBA business owner can use TikTok to help boost your store’s sales, reach more customers, and build your online brand.

Be creative with your TikTok hashtags

This one may seem obvious, but you don't need to limit your hashtags to Amazon specific topics. Similar to a winning keyword strategy, you want to find your target category for your products so that you can really boost your brand in the space. 

Finding the right hashtags for TikTok will require some brainstorming, so dedicate some business hours to thinking of what you want to hashtag when you're creating your first TikTok video to promote your Amazon business.

One tip we have is to put a hashtag/word that shows how your product can be helpful to your customers. Let's say you sell electric egg cookers in your Amazon store. You can use hashtags like #BreakfastHack #GoodMorning #Eggcellent, and the like. For a creative video, you can make one that talks about how eating breakfast food for dinner is one of the best things ever. 

Jump on (some) TikTok trends

Look at business success stories on TikTok and see how they are relevant to your brand. Could you benefit from a #DreamsChallenge? Requires a lot of creativity/creative thinking, but if you hit the right mark, your FBA business can really soar!

Another marketing strategy for TikTok is to make the time to find the fun and trendy hashtags of the week and post a video using that hashtag to ride the wave. Who knows, you might go viral! If you don’t want to make one, then just viewing some trends that are relevant to your business and commenting on the videos from your brand’s account name can also help boost your store’s views. 

But, following only the trends when it comes to hashtags on TikTok is not necessarily the ultimate winning marketing strategy. The trick is to be original, so it's important first and foremost to caption your videos with hashtags that describe your product and stay on brand. 

Expert tip: One important thing to keep in mind is that going viral means you'll need the stock to back it up. Don't spend time attempting a viral post if you only have a few of the products that you’re promoting actually in stock. Don’t let sudden inventory stockouts harm your business.

If you don’t have the stock, you can still use TikTok for brand awareness. It's not just about selling a thousand units a day (or maybe it is! Every FBA business strategy is different). 

TikTok allows you to engage with your customers

TikTok is an amazing platform to get to know your customers and engage with them in a unique way. We already mentioned commenting on posts to potentially reach new clients. Doing this is also a great way to showcase your brand's personality and let your customers know what you're about. Also, to potentially get new customers along the way.

When it comes to creating a video, think about making one that will solve a problem for your customers. This is a tool to communicate how your products work and how they can be helpful to anyone who buys them.

Do tips like this interest you? Check out Mayan's latest webinar that's filled with even more nuggets of wisdom for entrepreneurs like you out there. 

Want to know more about TikTok advertising for Amazon? Would you be interested in reading a blog post just about building an advertising strategy using TikTok? Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Reach out to us and let's chat!

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