6 Killer Tips To Succeed At Amazon’s On-Demand Merchandise Program

October 20, 2023

Amazon’s On-Demand Merchandise program gives designers a chance to sell designs on the Amazon marketplace at no cost.

Amazon’s On-Demand Merchandise program gives designers a chance to sell designs on the Amazon marketplace at no cost. Due to its popularity, the invite only program is highly competitive to get into. You can learn more about the basics of this program through this beginner's guide to Amazon On-Demand Merchandise program

 In this article, we give you the best tips to succeed in the program: 

Research available trademarks first 

  • Trademark and copyright infringement is a serious offense on Merch by Amazon that can get your account closed. Run a trademark research to test out ideas and phrases before starting the design process. Platforms like  Merch Informer and USPTO can give you a headstart to identify which phrases are available. 
  • Don’t use public domain content: brand logos, phrases and celebrity images to create designs. For example, you may feel creating Barbie merchandise is the right move, but you need to do it smartly. Don’t use the Barbie logo, or Margot Robbie’s face. Instead play with pink themes and covert phrases relevant to content.  

File copyright for bestseller design 

  • If you have a unique design that is doing very well, file a copyright so others can’t copy. 
  • Amazon takes infringements very seriously and you can easily report copycat designs to them. However, copyrighting a design that’s doing well is crucial to protect yourself against infringements across other platforms such as Etsy and Printify. 

Showcase credibility to ensure selection 

  • On-Demand Merchandise is an invite-only program that is highly competitive. Due to the popularity of the program, Amazon is keen on limiting applicants. 
  • With approval timelines of up to one year, we have some insider tips to accelerate your admission into the program.
  • In your application, focus on communicating your brand and let them know they run zero risk of copyright issues with your work. Showcase your social media following, current business, email lists and number of designs ready to go on day one. 

Use Google Trends 

  • You have a higher chance of selling more with content that is specific and topical. Use Google Trends to identify what conversations are buzzing on the internet. 
  • Social media hashtags on Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok are also good ways to know if there are any viral challenges or conversations to take inspiration from. 

Use Amazon Advertising and Amazon Affiliate Marketing program

  • Amazon ads are easily the most profitable ads that you can run and doing the proper keyword research is essential. Key worlds are essential to your sales, so be sure to use the right keyword for your merchandise. Platforms like Scope can help you identify high-ranking keywords for your product category. 
  • Another way to enhance discoverability is through Amazon’s Affiliate Marketing program. Get creators and bloggers to talk about your merchandise through blogs to get more traffic. 

Produce and list as many designs as you can 

One you’ve finalized your topical content and keywords, flush out as many designs as quickly you can. Nailing down on a bestseller design can be a time consuming process, so test out as many options to know what sells best, and then focus on your bestseller. 

Winning at Amazon’s On-Demand Merchandise Program can be time-consuming and tough. This is a long term game, so ensure that you have an effective strategy in place to fully reap the benefits of the program. 

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